Monday, November 16, 2015

Meeting Minutes - November 3, 2015

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53
Tues, November 3, 2015

Attendees:    Charlie Hubert, Danielle Payne, Peter N. Davis, Gaia McDermott, Andrew Watt, Phil Mason, Hollie Rose, Crystal Storo, Heather Turner

: Suparna

Business Meeting
Officer meeting in 2 weeks

We are working on the virtual attendance committee sometime after December 1

Upcoming Events
District 53 Conference
November 21
Fishkill, NY at the Ramada
Keynote Lance Miller - 2005 World Champion of Public Speaking

Toastmaster Peter N. Davis

Invocation Andrew Watt
International Club Mission Statement

Table Topics Andrew Watt
I am working out the budget for my department at school. This has made me thing about budgets/ money. Please talk about anything related to money.

[2:08] Andrew – My grandmother gave me a roll of silver dollars. It was worth a lot of money as coins and as pure silver. My father advised to put money in the bank. The bank gave me a deposit of $100. It was worth $2800. Poor communication robbed me.

[1:30] Heather - One of my daughters got married recently. This made me thing about those savings bonds from my grandparents. If you wait you will receive more. It could be a down payment for a house.

[2:15] Hollie – I think rich people teacher their kids about money. When I owned a coffee shop everything was booming. I started and funded a magazine. I spent a lot of time on the articles and layout but I needed more money so I decided to put in ads. Ultimately, I put so much into  but couldn’t afford it. It’s no longer in print.

[0:59] Phil- My son had to do his taxes but didn’t learn about checking/ money in school. We need to teach our children about money.

[2:02] Peter- In senior year of high school I began to think about my college education. I got into Quinnipiac but it was expensive even considering scholarships. I also go into CCSU which is much cheaper.  Teachers don’t make much money and money doesn’t always buy happiness.

[1:59] Crystal - Going off Peter…My parents didn’t have much money to help me so I took a year off before going to school. Don’t think about life revolving around money. Money is hard to talk about. It’s not backed by anything. Look into what money is really all about.

[1:07] Suparna - I had my parents always managing my accounts. When you start getting independent you realize what money is. You learn with time that money isn’t everything.

[1:26] Charlie – I was a model for Norman Rockwell. Every time someone posed for him there was a 5 dollar bill in their shirt when they went home. My mom put the money in the bank. When I was 25 my mom told me she had put 15 dollars into an account for me. It had grown to 200 dollars. I took out the money and spent it.

Andrew – think about taking the role of treasurer to learn to manage money for a group.

Speaker # 1:  Gaia McDermott : 6:50
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator # 4
Title: A Secret of Success

I want you to imagine you are going to observe a person and ask questions. Are they happy sad/enjoy their life/job? Eyes are a great way to see something about the person.

Humans have the whites of the eyes so people can see where the person is looking. Eyes can be a bond. When you see someone get teary eyed and you do as well.

Why is it so hard to give eye contact?  It can be because of deception, hiding feelings or insecurity about self or depression.

How to improve eye contact.
1 - When passing a stranger look at their eyes and quietly say the color. Work on this for the next 2 weeks.
2- When at a restaurant or store and a clerk asks you how you are doing, look at them when you are talking to them.
3 - Work this up to the family/friends level. Lean back when talking. Divert your eyes to the side, not down. Look at one eye at a time this can help you

This can lead to success.

Speaker # 2:  Phil Mason: 3:45
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator # 1
Title: The Wonder Years

What influenced you to be who you are?

I became a motor sports fan fanatic because my father influenced me. He owned 69 cars in his life. He had a ride on motorcycle which I wore out. As kids we rode our bikes around and raced. We edited the bikes and later we made trails in the woods. Everyone wanted to know who could be better and faster.

I had cousins that would race boats. I raced in my teens and twenties and did quite well.

I later got into motor cycles. Then I started doing drag racing. Everything that went fast has interested me. I am thrilled watching those faster than me.

Speaker # 3:  Heather Turner: 2:27
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator # 1: Icebreaker Facilitating Discussion: #3 (Problem Solving) Introducing Helen Blanchard – first woman to be in toastmasters
Title: Solve My Problem: Rubric Design

I got interested in reading about women in Toastmasters. I knew about the organization. They only allowed women after the 70s. Helen Blanchard was born in 1926. She very bright and graduated at 15. She began teaching at 16. She then found a job in the Navy. She had to prove herself as a woman. Moms were expected to stay home. Women who did have jobs were secretaries and nurses.Blanchard became a leader in the Navy.

In 1970, Blanchard was told Toastmasters was an all male organization. Members voted to accept her only on the local level. They even made up a fake name, Homer. She was the first female member and the first female president. Only 5 woman have served. She was a trailblazer. Blanchard left a legacy for the organization and for women in general.

Evaluator # 1: Heather Turner 3:29
The point was to use words and arrangements of words. You have done all of this. You had appropriate topics but could have created better visual images. Also, you could have used more rhetorical questions and why you are telling us this. What is the purpose? Great eye contact. Flip the order. Tell the  tips and the why. Tips should have been second.

Evaluator # 2:  Charlie Hubert 2:53

Your speech was very evocative. You had many images of racing. Many people get into a vocation that we don’t do but we do it anyways. This was a second ice breakers speech which gives you a chance to see what the requirements are. The only area for improvement would be to give more details. He is still living the wonder years because he is doing what he loves.

Evaluator # 3:  Crystal Storo 3:30

Don’t apologize. Don’t tell us that you are dyslexic. We would never know if you didn’t tell us. You have an innovative way of taking the topics and take it the creative way.

Officials’ Reports:

WordMaster: Heather Turner   

Evocative – adj.
: bringing thoughts, memories, or feelings into the mind (

Charlie Hubert and Andrew Watt were the only people to use the word.

Timer:  Hollie Rose

Times given, See above.

Ah Counter:  Phil Mason

Peter – quite a few
Charlie - 0
Suparna - 2
Gaia - 2ums and sorta
Hollie - 1
Crystal - 5
Heather - 1
Andrew - 1

Grammarian:  Andrew Watt

We all have a tendency to use generic words instead of specific words. Thing is a generic word.

Phil - It grommed me for the competitive thing.
It was all about racing. It was fun. Then it got boring.
I love getting into the cars.

Charlie – But he loves motors ***motor sound***

General Evaluator: Crystal Storo

Peter- you have made a huge stride- even asking guest to fill in for roles – great job as toastmaster

Andrew - Table topics – Insightful. Innovative- everyone can connect with money

Gaia - excellent topic we could really connect with you

Phil – connect title to speech

Heather – innovative way to make Toastmasaters work for you

Heather – nice eye contact- read answers out loud

Charlie –did the same as Heather- answers out loud

Closing: Hollie Rose

I like this club. We are a bit informal. We can have discussions with the general evaluator. Most Toastmasters would not find this enjoyable.

Be more conscious about side conversations.

Don’t tell us if you are dyslexic or nervous.

Congratulations to Heather for another CC.

We will be starting a committee meeting for implementing virtual attendance.
December 1 - Heather, Sheetal, Hollie, Andrew want to be on the committee. 
We will have a vote December 1 to see if the club want to do this.

Suparan will be joining us.

Heather – there are incentives to have an open house for new members.

Next meeting: November 17, 2015

Respectfully submitted by
Danielle Payne, Secretary

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