Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Meeting Minutes November 19, 2013

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53
November 5, 2013

“Go Big or Go Home”

Attendees:    members attended:  Bo Bogart, Micheal Brillas, Robert Dalo, Miroslav Grajewski, Cheryl Mason DTM, Phil Mason CC, Donald Ostertag, Sheetal Patel, Hollie Rose CC, Crystal Storo CC, CL, Heather Turner ACS, Andrew Watt and Carmen Jenkins.

Guest: John Hart

Business Meeting:
The meeting was called to order by Donald Ostertag.  New name tags were distributed to all members. President Crystal Storo CC, CL had all the club members introduce themselves and tell how long they’ve been members of Cromwell Community Toastmasters.  Crystal went over the Distinguished Club Program goals. Cheryl Mason DTM was presented with her 7th (WOW) CC award.  Congratulations Cheryl!  John Hart told the club his reason for coming to Toastmasters and shared with us that he is joining tonight
Meeting Roles:

Toastmaster: Hollie Rose CC

Invocation: John Hart   -  Toastmaster Mission Statement.

Word Master:  Micheal Brillas
Word - of - the - Day:  Ubiquitous – to be found everywhere

Table Topics Master:  Cheryl Mason DTM
Theme:  Cheryl‘s questions came from a special deck of cards designed for asking Table Topics questions.  Phil told us of his dream house.  He builds houses and has seen all sizes and styles but his ideal would be on the Connecticut River.  It would have a boat house underneath filled with high powered boats.  When asked where, out of any place in the world he would like to spend New Year’s Eve Miroslav told us about last New Year’s Eve in Quebec City.  He described the big blizzard and all the snow and thought maybe this year warm sunny Florida would be a good choice.  The holiday that Micheal would like to celebrate every six months is the 4th of July.  Simply put, he likes to blow things up. An exciting new ride at Disney that Rob would like to create had the rider getting a sensational manicure while riding past ubiquitous displays of shoes and having ghost shoes appear on their feet. When asked how he cheers himself up when having a bad day, John told us he is fortunate to have an office door, he closes that door and plays music and/or games.  Don shared that his ideal high temperature would be 75 degrees but thinks his wife would prefer 45 to 50 degrees.

Speaker # 1:  Crystal Storo CC
Manual/Project: Educational Leadership Series/Project 6 Building a Team
Title:  Team Spirit! 
Crystal defined team and differentiated between leaders and managers; leaders motivate and managers coordinate. She told us why teams are important and described some factors in building a team - being genuine, including everyone, and open communication.  Team building is important for moral, “Nothing great was ever achieved without motivation.”  Crystal hung up three foot wide sticky note showing the composition of TEAM –Together Everyone Achieves More.

 Speaker # 2:   Andrew Watt
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator/Project 4   How to Say It
Title:  Why I Love Sewing   
Teaching at a school where children can design and construct things to learn how the world works, Andrew noticed that mostly boys signed up for certain courses.  Wanting to know how to get more of the girls involved he paid attention to what interested them and he decided to learn to sew. After taking some lessons he constructed a lunch bag and pencil case.  He now has a 3:1 ratio of girls to boys in his sewing group.  As satisfying as that is he has also made his own Hallowe’en and Renaissance Fair Costumes and finds, to his surprise, that he loves sewing.

 Speaker # 3:  Sheetal Patel
Manual/Project:  Competent Communicator/Project 7   Research Your Topic
Title:  Corporate Social Responsibility   
Outsourcing and globalization started growing in the 1970’s; factories are ubiquitous in China and the United States.  Sheetal spoke of problems caused by outsourcing including slavery, transit and pollution. She spoke of social, health and environmental auditing.  After listing four reasons for Corporate Social Responsibility she stated there are now 7.125 billion people on this planet and everyone has a stake in Corporate Social Responsibility. 

General Evaluator: Heather Turner ACS

Evaluator # 1:  Rob Dalo

Evaluator # 2:   Phil Mason

Evaluator # 3:  Bo Bogart

Functionary Reports:

Ah Counter:  Miroslav Grajewski

Grammarian:  Andrew Watt

Timer:  Don Ostertag

In closing Crystal thanked everyone for coming.  John said he enjoyed the meeting and filled out a member application.  It was another great meeting!  Now is the perfect time to sign up for roles for our next meeting.

Next meeting: December 3, 2013.

Respectfully submitted by
Bo Bogart, Secretary

[Posted by Hollie Rose CC - VPPR]

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Meeting Minutes November 5, 2013

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53
November 5, 2013

“Go Big or Go Home”

Attendees:    members attended:, Tom Alvord ACB, ALB, Bo Bogart, Micheal Brillas, Robert Dalo, Miroslav Grajewski, Charlie Hubert, Elizabeth Landeen, Cheryl Mason DTM, Phil Mason CC, Donald Ostertag, Catherine Rose, Hollie Rose CC, William Sullivan ACB,ALB, Brian Terry, Heather Turner ACS,  and Andrew Watt

Guests: John Hart, Jeff Naples, Robin Thompson and Carmen Jenkins

Business Meeting:
The meeting was called to order by Sergeant at Arms Charlie Hubert.  (Welcome back Charlie!) Vice President of Education – Elizabeth Landeen gave opening remarks and invited Rob Dalo to talk about the recent Division Contest held Oct. 16 at Northeast utilities in Berlin, CT.  Rob won 3rd place in the Speech Evaluation Contest!  Congratulations Rob! Heather Turner spoke about the enthusiasm and encouragement found at Toastmaster meetings.  She explained how Toastmasters helps develop public speaking and leadership skills, and that members work at their own pace.

Meeting Roles:

Toastmaster: Brian Terry

Invocation: Phil Mason – Phil shared a number of inspiring quotes from Teddy Roosevelt. Two of the quotes were “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care” and “Keep your eyes to the stars and your feet on the ground.”

Word Master:  Catherine Rose
Word - of - the - Day:  Superfluous – being more than is sufficient or required, excessive, unnecessary or needless

Table Topics Master:  Heather Turner ACS
Theme:  Dining in the Dark – Heather had been to a dinner where the diners were blindfolded.  She brought a box full of objects and had the Table Topic speakers choose and discuss their object while blindfolded.  Andrew Watt described an object with a ball joint, plastic protuberances and an empty battery case.   He deduced it was a radio or walkie talkie. Charlie Hubert described a glass paperweight, he embellished saying it might be the type with a snowstorm and snowman or maybe Jesus.  Rob was fortunate to choose the device he most needed in his life.  He discussed how the hand sized, pillow shaped object was a great stress reliever; he could squeeze it when technology wasn’t working the way he would have liked.  Don Ostertag pulled a slinky from the box.  He reminisced about having one as a child and playing with it on the stairs.  Robin Thompson enthusiastically told us how much she liked the little odd shaped brush that she had pulled from the box and she described the unusual shape of its handle.

Speaker # 1:  Elizabeth Landeen
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator/Project 4  How to Say It 
Title:  Start Now, Don’t Wait        
Elizabeth described to us how she plans to spend her next birthday – doing the Tough Mudder obstacle course.  She has already started training for the 10 - 12 mile race held in VT.  She showed slides and described different obstacles in the race including the: Arctic Enema; Cage Crawl; Funky Monkey; Electric Shock Therapy; Wall Climb and Firewalk

 Speaker # 2:   Micheal Brillas
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator/Project 2  Organize Your Speech 
Title:  Transitions    
Subscribing to 5 year plans – after returning from a trip Micheal started life from scratch. He had a well paying job but hated it, he found the money was superfluous and he convinced himself that he had 5 years left to live. He was a dedicated non breeder wanting his life to unfold in a way that could happen only if he didn’t have a family.  He lived life and had a great time, remembering about his 5 year cut off only the night before he originally thought he would die. Living through the day, he appreciated many things and now celebrates every November 3rd.  Because of the angle from which Micheal views the world he feels he can help others overcome their fears.

 Speaker # 3:  William Sullivan ACB,ALB
Manual/Project:  Successful Club Series/ Project Evaluate to Motivate 
Title:  Evaluate to Motivate  
Bill told us that evaluations can be harder than speeches; they are incorporated in every aspect of our lives, and are composed of opinions and honest reactions.  An evaluation style called the Sandwich Method involves saying something positive, suggesting an improvement and noting some other positive aspect. Some pointers for giving evaluations include focusing on a few key points, evaluating the speech not the person, mentioning how the speech made you feel, and promoting the speaker’s self esteem.

General Evaluator: Rob Dalo

Evaluator # 1:  Cheryl Mason DTM
Evaluator # 2:   Andrew Watt
Evaluator # 3:  Tom Alvord, ACB,ALB

Functionary Reports:
Ah Counter:  Bo Bogart
Grammarian:  Micheal Brillas
Timer:  Don Ostertag

In closing Elizabeth asked our guests for comments.  John said he enjoyed the meeting; Jeff had thought it would be intimidating with spotlights and people making him speak, but he found it was all calm.  Robin and Carmen decided to join our club.  Welcome Robin! Welcome Carmen!
Rob Dalo suggested we all have name tags. Charlie thanked everyone for their cards and good wishes.  Hollie announced that she was selected for an Ambassador position with Toastmasters International's Revitalized Education Program.  Congratulations Hollie!

Next meeting: November 19th 2013.

Respectfully submitted by
Bo Bogart, Secretary

[Posted, with minor corrections, by Hollie Rose, CC]