Monday, December 7, 2015

Meeting Minutes - November 17, 2015

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53
Tues, November 17, 2015

Attendees:    Charlie Hubert, Danielle Payne, Peter N. Davis, Hollie Rose, Donald Ostertag, Jen Bourne, Gaia McDermott, Andrew Watt,

: Suparna, Winston Phillip

Business Meeting

Upcoming Events
District 53 Conference
November 21
Fishkill, NY at the Ramada
Keynote Lance Miller - 2005 World Champion of Public Speaking

Officer meeting after the meeting tonight

Bring you manuals – you can get credit for different roles

Welcome to Winston and Suparna

Toastmaster Charlie Hubert

Invocation Donald Ostertag

Motivational sayings

Table Topics Gaia McDermott
Talk about food

1:17 Danielle – At the school I work at the students make lunch for the teachers every Thursday. This week it was salad with grilled shrimp on top. Delicious.

1:39 Donald -My favorite food is meatloaf. My wife knows that when we go out to eat I will always get the meatloaf even though there is a huge variety of a food. Sometimes she surprises me with a nice meatloaf.

2:34 Andrew- A few years ago my grandmother died and my mother decided that we would eat the way my grandmother did.  My grandmother was Norwegian. Typical Norwegian food includes roots, fish and pickled things. We still eat this way even when we are in Florida. I am glad we only eat this way once a year.

1:36 Jen- There have been problems with the turkeys having bacterial infections. Most of the turkeys from the supermarket have been frozen for quite a while. We go to Maine to harvest six of our own turkeys and send them to freezer camp.

0:44 Suparna- I am not a vegetarian and my husband is a vegetarian. When we go to a restaurant people always assume that I am a vegetarian and that my husband likes meat because he is the male.

1:26 Wiston- I am from Trinidad and Tobago. We have curried chicken. We have a large vegetable that you can roast called bread fruit.

1:48 Charlie- I remember Norman Rockwell and his wife were invited to another person’s home for dinner. This person didn’t talk much. The table was quiet until the person came out with the turkey and it fell off the tray and under the table.

Speaker # 1:  Hollie Rose:  14:01
Manual/Project: Specialty Speeches # 3 – Sell a Product
Title: Super Better

I would like to sell you that life is a game and you can win. I will be talking about Jane McGonigal’s Super Better. You can conquer or achieve anything you set your mind to.

In 2009 McGongigal had a sever migraine and she wasn’t able to do much. She then came up with the idea that for her book.

By applying these strategies you can do anything. You will not be good at something when you first start.

The first step is to identify your enemies.

Your goal should be headed towards something rather than away from something.  In this game there are power ups. This could be a walk in the garden. These things can make you feel just a little bit better.

Name your bad guys. They can be inside you or outside you. Lord Impossibility. The Corporate Over Lords. The Procrastination Hole.

Quests and Challenge – challenge yourself and you can overcome anything.
Quests are the little things every day – do something creative every day for 20 min
Quests are doable
Challenges are not as easy

Adopt a game-full approach to life.

Speaker # 2:  Andrew Watt: 546
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator #2 – Get to the Point
Title: The Education of an Accidental Creator

In the fall of  96 I started teaching. The last 6 have been the most interesting.

My new school wanted me to launch a creative design program because I was the fastest learner. I read a lot of theory which didn’t teach me much. It is impossible to create new material and teach every day.

I have played around with font and color. The point is to teach kids to be creative thinkers. I look on the internet looking for the work of people who are creative and have interesting things that teach skills.

I have been working on a ratchet gear and it took 6 hours to make. I am moving forward on the horizon.

Evaluator # 1: Gaia McDermott 3:40

Hollie that was really great. I liked learning to make it a game. You got the audience’s attention by asking about games. You handled tough spots effectively by making the category of video games more broad to include everyone. You made the close by focusing on what we do here.  I liked when you said, “We never feel helpless when we play.” Try to read notes less.

Evaluator # 2:  Jen Bourne 2:36

Thank you for sharing the most interesting part of your career. I like the format. You used the same format here that you use with your students. I liked your body movements. Forward and back for successes and less successful aspects. I liked how you included things from Hollie’s speech. It is hard to give you constructive feedback. Thank you for sharing with us. 

Officials’ Reports:

WordMaster: Peter N. Davis

Insipid – uninteresting

Charlie Hubert and Andrew Watt were the only people to use the word.

Timer:  Peter N. Davis

Times given, See above.

Ah Counter:  Winston Phillip

The speeches were so great and interesting I forgot to
Peter – quite a few
Charlie - 0
Suparna - 2
Gaia - 2ums and sorta
Hollie - 1
Crystal - 5
Heather - 1
Andrew - 1

Grammarian:  Jen Bourne

No misconstructed grammatical constructions

Hollie- power ups, philosophical approach, difference of getting better from something to getting better with something, daily quests

General Evaluator: Donald Ostertag

Both evaluators did a nice job.

Table topics – great idea, everyone could relate and the guest and new member were involved.

Charlie – the other format for the agenda may have been easier to follow

Peter – nice job on timing, next time tell the speakers how long they have and at what times they will see each of the three cards

Charlie – it great to have everyone here

Closing: Hollie Rose

I am hoping we will have a good crowd in December

Virtual attendance vote with the committee meeting after the regular meeting

Next meeting: December 1, 2015

Respectfully submitted by
Danielle Payne, Secretary

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