Saturday, March 15, 2014

Meeting Minutes March 4th, 2014

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Theme:  No Supplies
Opening:  Charlie Hubert promptly opened the meeting at 5:30.  For an invocation Charlie read the Toastmasters mission and announced that we were going to run the meeting without supplies.  As Toastmasters we are put in positions where we have to improvise with what we have.   Charlie then introduced the Immediate Past President Rob Dalo to run the Business part of the meeting.
Business Items:  Rob welcomed the group and announced that the next meeting will be the Toastmasters Spring contest.  Rob introduced Tom to review for the group the speech contest and give his personal contest experience.    The speech contest will contain two segments the International Contest as well as Tall Tales.  Rob then challenged the group to “get out of the stands” and “get into the game”.   Currently 5 individuals volunteered to speak at the contest, more volunteers are needed. 
During the meeting Rob introduced the 2 guests in attendance Gaurav and Gloria, this was Gloria’s first meeting and Gaurav expressed interest in joining.
Rob then promptly introduced Brian Terry as Toastmaster of the Evening.
General Meeting:  Brian introduced the functionaries who gave a brief review of their roles.  John – Timer, Donald – ah counter, Charlie – Grammarian and the word of the day ebullience – extreme enthusiasm – was introduced by Carmen.
Table Topics:  Brian introduced Andrew as Table Topics Master who used thought challenging questions from Brian Eno, English musician and composer.  Andrew had the audience pull questions from a pile of index cards.
1.      Do something boring?  Mirslov (43 sec)
2.     Is something missing?  John (40 sec)
3.     Move toward the unimportant?   Heather (40 sec)
4.     Humanize something free of error?   Gaurav (38 sec)
5.     Your mistake was a hidden intention?  Carmen (20 sec)
6.     Only one element of each kind?  Rob (1:13)
7.     Revaluation a warm feeling?   Robino   (42 sec)
Speeches:  Brain Terry introduced the 4 speakers. 
1.     Elizabeth Landeen:  Your Body Speaks, All In or Fold -  6:30
2.     Sheetal Patel:  Persuade With Power, Skip the Bottled Water -  7:00
3.     Heather Turner:  The Persuasive Approach, The Importance of Networking for Business- 7:38
4.     Andrew Watt:  Vocal Variety, How I learned to Cook…Really Cook -  7:30
Evaluations:  Brian Terry introduced Heather Turner as General Evaluator who introduced the night’s evaluators.
1.      Carmen Jenkins - 1:00
2.     Bill Sullivan – 3:45
3.     Andrew Watt – 3:45
4.     Robin Thompson – 2:15
After the evaluations Heather asked for reports from the meeting functionaries.  She recapped the meeting and offered feedback to the group.  The meeting was handed over to Rob Dalo who asked for feedback from the guests in attendance, Gaurav said I’m want to join! and Gloria said It was great learning about Networking in the speech given by Heather.
The meeting adjourned at 7:15
Respectfully Submitted by William Sullivan

[posted by Hollie Rose CC, VPPR]