Friday, August 19, 2011

August 16th, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Meeting started at 5:35 p.m. and concluded at 7:00 p.m.
Members:  Tom Alvord, William Sullivan, Crystal Storo, Louis Nizet, Heather Turner, Charnaie Gordon, and Akshay Dhote.
Business Meeting
Crystal reminded the club of the set date of Tuesday, September 20th for the upcoming Table Topics and Humorous Speech Contest. Crystal encouraged members to sign up for a Humorous speech or Table Topics contestant and/or sign up for a role.
Contest Roles:
Table Topics Contestants (no limit) – 1 signed up so far – speak for 1-2 minutes, after receiving a topic
Humorous Speech Contestants (no limit) – 2 signed up so far – present an original 5-7 minute speech
Contest ChairCrystal Storo – Organizes the contest, supplies, prepares the agenda, helps fill roles, briefs contestants & SAA on rules
Contest MasterCharnaie Gordon – Toastmaster for the Contest, follows a prepared agenda / script
Chief Judge (1 needed) – Ensures published rules are followed, briefs judges, counters, timers on duties, selects tiebreaking judge
Contest Judges (2-4 more needed) 3 participants signed up so far – Using pre-printed judging ballot, scores and ranks contestants, follows judges code of ethics
Timers – (1 more needed) – Charlie Hubert - Primary timer signals contestants, both timers document speech time using pre-printed time record sheet
Ballot Counters – (3 needed) Collect sealed ballots from each judge, outside of contest room, record speakers points on tally sheets
Sergeant At ArmsPhilip Mason - Helps with room setup, calls meeting to order, guides contestants in and out of the room as necessary
Table Topics MasterHeather Turner – Provide the same general topic to each contestant.  Should lead to an opinion or conclusion
Louis Nizet reminded members of the upcoming table we have set up for the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce meeting. Louis asked those who signed up to be there early to help with set up.
Meeting Roles
Toastmaster:                William Sullivan
Word Master:                Akshay Dhote
                                    APPOSITE – appropriate and relevant
Table Topics Master:   Heather Turner
                                       Participants:  Louis Nizet – Fortune Cookie
                                                         Charnaie Gordon – 1st Job Interview
                                             Akshay Dhote – Penny Year
                                                         Tom Alvord – Why did the Chicken cross the road?
                                                         Crystal Storo – What gets better with age?
Speaker 1:                    Heather Turner, Project 1 from the Humorously Speaking Manual
                                      Amo, Amas, Amat, Amamus, Amatis, Amant, EMU
Speaker 2:                    Charnaie Gordon, Project 3 from the Humorously Speaking Manual
                                      A Rite of Passage 
Speaker 3:                    Tom Alvord, CC # 2 Organize Your Speech
                                      Wrinkle Free
General Evaluator:       William Sullivan
Evaluator 1:                  Louis Nizet
Evaluator 2:                  Crystal Storo
Evaluator 3:                  Charnaie Gordon
Timer:                           Crystal Storo
Ah Counter:                  Louis Nizet
Grammarian:                Charnaie Gordon
Prepared by Crystal Storo, Club Secretary 8/18/2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 2nd, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Meeting started at 5:30 p.m. and concluded at 7:20 p.m.
Members:  Tom Alvord, Cheryl Mason, William Sullivan, Crystal Storo, Philip Mason, Charlie Hubert, Louis Nizet, Heather Turner, Charnaie Gordon, Mano Rudravajhala, and Akshay Dhote.
Guests: Jerry Aiyathuria and Nancy Green
Business Meeting
Tom Alvord, our club President, introduced our guests and guest speaker of the evening, Jerry Aiyathuria.
Cheryl Mason congratulated the club on achieving the President’s Distinguished Club award. She also congratulated and informed the club of Heather Turner for achieving her Competent Communicator award and William Sullivan for achieving his Advanced Bronze Leader award.
Crystal reminded the club of the set date of Tuesday, September 20th for the upcoming Table Topics and Humorous Speech Contest. Crystal encouraged members to sign up for a Humorous speech or Table Topics contestant and/or sign up for a role. Crystal also informed the club that the following roles are available:
Contest Roles:
Table Topics Contestants (no limit) – 1 signed up so far – speak for 1-2 minutes, after receiving a topic
Humorous Speech Contestants (no limit) – 1 signed up so far – present an original 5-7 minute speech
Contest ChairCrystal Storo – Organizes the contest, supplies, prepares the agenda, helps fill roles, briefs contestants & SAA on rules
Contest MasterCharnaie Gordon – Toastmaster for the Contest, follows a prepared agenda / script
Chief Judge (1 needed) – Ensures published rules are followed, briefs judges, counters, timers on duties, selects tiebreaking judge
Contest Judges (2 more needed) 3 participants signed up so far – Using pre-printed judging ballot, scores and ranks contestants, follows judges code of ethics
Timers – (1 more needed) – Charlie Hubert - Primary timer signals contestants, both timers document speech time using pre-printed time record sheet
Ballot Counters – (3 needed) Collect sealed ballots from each judge, outside of contest room, record speakers points on tally sheets
Sergeant At ArmsPhilip Mason - Helps with room setup, calls meeting to order, guides contestants in and out of the room as necessary
Table Topics MasterHeather Turner – Provide the same general topic to each contestant.  Should lead to an opinion or conclusion
Meeting Roles
Toastmaster:                Tom Alvord
Word Master:                Nancy Green
PROGRESS – Noun & Verbal – Development/Growth & Forward movement
Table Topics Master:   Cheryl Mason
                                       Theme: Pictures to Improve Imagination/Creativity
                                       Participants:  William Sullivan – Picture of Earth from the Moon
                                                            Charlie Hubert – Antique Picture of Family
                                               Akshay Dhote – Picture of the Subway rush hour
                                                      Nancy Green – Picture of the Grand Canyon
                                                            Philip Mason – Picture of a double Rainbow
                                                            Crystal Storo – Picture of an Albino Ladybug
                                                            Louis Nizet – Picture of a Painting
Speaker 1:                    Charnaie Gordon, Project 3 from the Humorously Speaking Manual
                                      The Disagreement
Speaker 2:                    Mano Rudravajhala, CC Speech # 2 Organize Your Speech
Speaker 3 (Guest):      Jerry Aiyathuria, Practicing for International Contest, second speech
                                      The Best Thing that Ever Happened To You
Speaker 4 (Guest):      Jerry Aiyathuria, Practicing for World Championship of Public Speaking Contest
General Evaluator:       William Sullivan
Evaluator 1:                  Heather Turner
Evaluator 2:                  Charnaie Gordon
Evaluator 3:                  Round Robin (Everyone)
Evaluator 4:                  Not needed
Timer:                           Philip Mason
Ah Counter:                 Mano Rudravajhala
Grammarian:                Louis Nizet
·           Cheryl Mason encouraged imagination and creativity growth with a great Table Topics session
·           We were also blessed to hear Jerry Aiyathuria perform his prepared speech for the semifinals of the World Championship of Public Speaking Contest at the 2011 Toastmasters International Contest in Las Vegas on August 18th.  If he wins the semifinals he will go on to the Finals where he will have to deliver a new speech.  That would be "The Best Things That Ever Happened To You" (working title).
·           Everyone was in agreement of the impact of new outdoor signs on the street, which were very helpful to the guests who attended our meeting. Heather Turner also made Member name badges and had blanks available for guests.
Prepared by Crystal Storo, Club Secretary 8/3/2011