Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cromwell Community Toastmasters - Meeting Minutes - February 19, 2013

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53
February 19, 2013
Attendees: Sixteen members attended: Tom Alvord, Bo Bogart Karen Breton,Linda Campbell, Chu-Chiang, Rob Dalo, Charlie Hubert, Elizabeth Landeen, Phil Mason, Donald Ostertag, Hollie Rose, Sharon Roth, Rammanohar Rudravajhala, Crystal Storo, Heather Turner, Asha
Guests: Anthony, Bobbi and Evan Glenn
Business Meeting:
  • The meeting was called to order at 5:35 by Tom Alvord (acting Sergeant at Arms). 
  • Rob reminded us of the area training meeting at Northeast Utilities, Berlin Turnpike, from 6:30-9:00 on February 20th. 
  • Heather encouraged us to attend the joint Glastonbury/Cromwell Toastmaster clubs meeting on Monday, March 4th at 6:30-8:30. Directions to the meeting are on our website. Several roles are still available. 
  • Our regular meeting will be held on March 5th. 
  • Crystal mentioned the upcoming International Table Topics and Speech Contest which will be held on March 19th with a briefing session (5:30-6:00) to precede the regular meeting. She indicated that we need people to sign up for several roles: contest master, judges, and ballot counters. Hollie volunteered as chairperson. 
  • There was a discussion and vote taken regarding the inclusion of Happy Hour after the meeting or on another day. 
  • Guests Anthony, Bobbi and Evan were welcomed by Rob. 
  • Asha was inducted as a new member to Cromwell Community Toastmasters and Sharon Roth was awarded her Advanced Communicator Gold Award. Rob related the story of how he heard Sharon on the Faith Middleton call-in show, 'Celebrating the Richness of Life' and how great it was that she mentioned Toastmasters in the discussion. 
  • Crystal completed the District Club Program Goals chart and announced that we are now a President's Distinguished Club. Of the 152 clubs in our district we are the ONLY one to achieve this distinction. 
  • Rob and the officers proposed a toast to our club members and club's success with refreshments and cupcakes! We sang Happy Birthday to two of our members celebrating birthdays today:  Chu-Chiang and Heather.
Meeting Roles:
Toastmaster: Tom Alvord ACB, ALB
Invocation: Elizabeth Landeen gave us four excellent, thought-provoking quotes:
"Excuses are nails that build houses of failure."
"Victory does not teach the way that failure does."
"We all have to fight against our fears . Everyone has limits...not everyone has to accept them."
"Goals are your dreams with work boots on."
Word Master: Karen Breton
Word - of - the - Day: Articulate- adjective/verb- meaning to pronounce distinctly-" I couldn't articulate my fears."
Table Topics Master: Rammanohar Rudravajhala
Theme: Valentine's Day
Elizabeth Landeen - Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day...come up with new/fun reasons. Elizabeth related the meaning of Valentines day to her.
Charlie Hubert - You gave a special person in your life the same card last year. Charlie related how he gives the same card each year using coupons for household chores.
Asha - If your significant other's allergic to chocolate/flowers, what would you give him/her?  Asha discussed giving a Valentine's Day card.
Chu-Chiang - What would be your perfect Valentine's Day present to receive? Chu-Chaing discussed giving watermelon ( colors have special meanings of friendship), apple ( small, not very expensive), and hot drinks ( in winter) and milk ( in summer).
Evan - Respond to Ann Lander's quote, " If you have love in your life, it can make up for what you lack; if you don't have it no matter what else you have, it is never enough." Do you agree? Evan agreed that the people you love in your life are more important than material things and help you get through hard times. Without that you are always looking to fill that void in your life.
Prepared Speeches:
Speaker # 1: Crystal Storo CL
Manual/Project: Competent Communication #6 Vocal Variety
Title: How My Nightmare Made a Difference
Speaker # 2: Amy Ansah CC
Manual/Project: Advanced Manual/To Inform
Title: Think
Speaker # 3: Donald Ostertag
Manual/Project: Custom Speech/No manual/ Reading
Title: Toastmasters Builds Confidence article by John Lau, Dec. 2012
Speaker # 4: Sharon Roth ACS, ALB
Manual/Project: ( 5th) Competent Communication/ #8 Getting Comfortable with Visual Aids
Title: Seneca Falls, Selma, and Stonewall
Speaker # 5: Heather Turner ACB CL
Manual/Project: Custom Speech/No Manual
Title: Giving Effective Feedback
General Evaluator: Holllie Rose
Hollie congratulated Sharon on attaining her Advanced Communicator Gold Award, thanked the guests for attending tonight's meeting, further thanked Rob for recognizing both past and present officers for their service as well as Mano for including guests in Table Topics. She suggested we make provisions for having the Toastmaster direction signs placed when Charlie is not in attendance and reminded us to leave three vacant seats near the door for guests.
Evaluator # 1: Tom Alvord (Crystal Storo) ACB,ALB
Evaluator # 2: Heather Turner (Amy Ansah) ACB
Evaluator # 3: No evaluation (Don Ostertag)
Evaluator # 4: Rob Dalo (Sharon Roth)
Evaluator # 5: Elizabeth Landeen (Heather Turner)
Functionary Reports:
Grammarian: Bo Bogart
Ah Counter: Don Ostertag
Timer: Phil Mason CC
At the close of the meeting Rob reminded us that we are a dynamic President's Distinguished Club. He encouraged the guests to offer their thoughts on tonight's meeting. Evan said he enjoyed standing up and a rush...everyone did a great job...and the cupcakes were nice." Bobbi commented that it was "very good, friendly and fun". Anthony said he brought his wife and son this time "got a lot out of it" and saw "tremendous potential". Rob thanked us all for coming to the meeting. Heather added that we have achieved PRESIDENT'S DISTINGUISHED CLUB THREE YEARS IN A ROW!
Area Training Seminar: February 20th 6:30-9:00 at Northeast Utilities, Berlin Tpk, Berlin
Glastonbury/Cromwell joint Toastmasters meeting: March 4th. Directions on our website.
International Table Topics and Speech Contest: March 19th at Cromwell Townhall
The next (regular) meeting: March 5th
Respectfully submitted by
Linda Campbell, Co-secretary

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Special Joint Meeting of Cromwell Community Toastmasters Club (Cromwell) and Charter Oak Toastmasters Club (Glastonbury)

Special Joint Meeting of Cromwell Community Toastmasters Club (Cromwell) and Charter Oak Toastmasters Club (Glastonbury)

You are invited to a special meeting!

Monday March 4, 2013 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. FREE
Guests are invited, come see what Toastmasters is all about!

The meeting will be held in the "Showroom" on the 3rd floor of The Village at South Farms Assisted Living facility. 645 Saybrook Road Middletown. 

Toastmasters is about Communication and Leadership. Whether you're speaking to your staff, your co-workers, or your kids, Toastmasters can help you do it better. Toastmasters, Where leaders are made!

For directions:

For more information about Cromwell Toastmasters visit

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cromwell Community Toastmasters Meeting Minutes - Feb 5, 2013

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53
February 5, 2013
Attendees: Fourteen members attended: Tom Alvord, Karen Breton, Linda Campbell, Rob Dalo, Charlie Hubert, Phil Mason, Donald Ostertag, Sheetal Patel, Hollie Rose, Sharon Roth, Rammanohar Rudravajhala, Crystal Storo, William Sullivan, Heather Turner, Carolyn Warner
Guests: Luke and Gaia McDermott, Anthony and Evan Glenn, Asha, Jesse
Business Meeting:
The meeting was called to order promptly at 5:30 by Charlie, Sergeant at Arms. Rob commented that we have a full house tonight and welcomed the guests. He introduced Crystal, wishing her a Happy Birthday, and surprised us with delicious birthday cupcakes. Crystal filled in the District Club Program Goals chart with Rob commenting that it was an exceptional AAA+ Report Card. She further explained how Toastmasters earn CC and CL credits.
Meeting Roles:
Toastmaster: Heather Turner, ACB, CL Heather advised us not to talk while other Toastmasters are at the podium. She reminded us about the upcoming Glastonbury/Cromwell combined Toastmasters meeting on March 4th and encouraged us to sign up for roles.
Invocation: Donald Ostertag- Pushing through moments when you want to give up makes
you stronger. Never give up on yourself and others won't give up on you.
Word Master: Tom Alvord, ACB, ALB
Word - of - the - Day: Prefatory- adjective- meaning introductory- "My prefatory remarks..
Table Topics Master: Heather Turner ACB, CL
Theme: Toys
Charlie Hubert- Rabid fan of Wonder Woman doll on Ebay
Sharon Roth- BMW Convertible/where would you go and why?
Jesse- Shamrock glasses from significant other
Tom Alvord- Cousin's kids playing with your expensive toy planes
Rob Dalo- 'Live long and prosper' Star Trek hand from significant other
Prepared Speeches:
Speaker # 1: Sheetal Patel
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator/#4 How to Say It
Title: Time - A Precious Commodity
Speaker # 2: Karen Bretom
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator/#1 The Icebreaker
Title: Introducing ME
Speaker # 3: William Sullivan, ACB, ALB
Manual/Project: Storytelling/#3 The Moral of the Story
Title: Choose Your Battles Wisely
Speaker # 4: Crystal Storo, CL
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator/#5 Your Body Speaks
Title: It's My Birthday, Why Not?
General Evaluator: Elizabeth Landeen
Elizabeth highlighted several positive aspects of tonight's meeting: guests were greeted immediately, everyone's enthusiasm, elements of Toastmasters were explained for the benefits of the new faces in the room and how the four expert evaluations help us all to learn. She reminded us to take our name cards from the welcoming table upon entering.
Evaluator # 1: Sharon Roth, ACS, ALB
Evaluator # 2: Robert Dalo
Evaluator # 3: Tom Alvord, ACB, ALB
Evaluator # 4: Phil Mason, CC
Functionary Reports:
Grammarian: Rob Dalo
Ah Counter: Carolyn Warner
Timer: Donald Ostertag
At the close of the meeting Rob asked the guests for their thoughts. Jesse said, " I like this club!" Anthony stated he was " extremely impressed." Luke commented, "I enjoyed it." Gaia enthused, " I am thrilled to be here." Evan said, " I enjoyed it. It was fun, warm and supportive." Asha happily said, " I would like to join the club." Rob closed the meeting stating that we can now fill in the rest of the box on the District Club Program Goals Chart for the fourth new member and further thanked us all for coming.
The next meeting: February 19th
Respectfully submitted by
Linda Campbell, Co-secretary