Cromwell Community
Club 5908 ~ District 53
July 16, 2013
Nine members attended: Linda Campbell, Cheryl Mason, Phil
Mason, Sheetal Patel, Hollie Rose, Crystal Storo, Brian Terry,
Heather Turner, Carolyn Warner
Guest: Molly
The meeting was called to order by Acting
Sergeant at Arms, Phil Mason. Crystal Storo discussed new business: 2013-2014
Member Goals ( CC and CL charts were provided), August 6th Meeting ( Guest
Speaker will be Jerry Aiyathuri, CCAP District 53 winner of the
International Speech Contest who will be competing in the World Championship of
Public Speaking. At our next meeting he will be giving us a chance to
hear his Semi Final speech.), Fall Speech Contest September 17 (Crystal
encouraged us to sign up for roles of: Contest
Chair, Toastmaster, and Chief Judge and mentioned that we can
get credit in the CL manuals for 'Developing Your Facilitation
Skills' and 'Teambuilding'.)
Toastmaster: Carolyn
Invocation: Carolyn Warner:
Carolyn cited the words of Dale Carnegie, "There are always three
speeches for the one you actually gave: the one you practiced, the one you gave,
and the one you wish you gave."
Word Master: Phil Mason,
Word - of -
the - Day: Venality - noun - A condition of being
susceptible to bribery or corruption. A an example of the usage: The
venality of a corrupt judge....
Table Topics Master:
Heather Turner, ACS CL
Theme: Think on your
1. Crystal Storo: With ten
minutes warning, what do you have available to survive a Class 5
hurricane? Crystal said she is a survivalist and that her mom had
introduced her to being prepared. She described her amazing survival kit
that is always kept in her car.
2. Phil Mason: If you're in your
usual supermarket shopping for groceries when the zombie apocalypse
struck, what would you grab from the supermarket? Phil said he'd grab a frozen
ham, bag of potatoes, hardware, a spatula, frying pans, cleaver, some
automotive lubricant or a lighter to fend off the attack, frozen
pizzas for a pizza party, or maybe alcohol to help him trick
himself into oblivion to the zombie
3. Hollie Rose: What do you keep in your car
right now that would help you if your car died in the middle of the Nevada
desert? Holly said that she could subsist on her many half bottles of
water that she's collected in her backseat of her Suburu Forester as well
as use a blanket to drape over her car as a means
to create shade. She further told us about a trip she had
taken through the desert in the 80s in her Chevy van with her
4. Sharon Roth: If aliens take over the
minds and bodies of people and made them immune to pain, how would you know your
best friend hasn't been taken over? Sharon said her best friend is her sister
who lives on a ranch in MA and has horses. She would see if her sister had been
taken over by aliens, and therefore immune to pain, by sticking her in the
arm with a pin.
5. Cheryl Mason: If you could talk to your
dog for five minutes, what would you ask? Cheryl told us about her
two pet dogs, Abby and Ginger, and would ask them " Are we
feeding you enough?" and "What do you think of the family you have?"
and additionally said it would be nice to have them tell us more
about what they think.
6. Sheetal Patel: If a man came into
your office demanding money, what would you do? Sheetal said she would first
offer him water and then hit him on the head with a stapler. She further
mentioned it is OK to ask for money but not to steal money.
Prepared Speeches:
Speaker # 1: Linda
Manual/Project: Competent
Communication/Project 7, Research Your Topic
Speaker # 2: Sheetal
Manual/Project: Competent
Communication/Project 4, How to Say It
Title: Caste System in
Speaker # 3: Cheryl Mason,
Manual/Project: Competent
Communication/Project 2, Organize Your Speech
Title: The Travel
Evaluator: Phil Mason, CC
Phil commented that although the
attendance was a little low due to the heat and vacations, it was a great
meeting nontheless. He
congratulated Carolyn for taking on the role of Toastmaster for the
first time complimented her on how comfortable she was and
how prepared, clear.and consistent were the agendas, speech
objectives and introductions He reminded us to think about
Charlie who is under the
Evaluator # 1: Crystal
Storo, CC CL
Evaluator # 2: Hollie
Evaluator # 3: Sharon Roth,
Ah Counter: Cherly Mason,
Grammarian: Heather Turner,
Timer: Brian
At the close Crystal said it had been a
fantastic meeting, complimented Carolyn for her great job as
Toastmaster Phil for his excellent feedback. She asked guest Molly
Sealy to express her thoughts about the meeting tonight. Molly had been
working on graduate work at the town library next door and on her drive out
happened to spot our Toastmaster signs ( thanks Phil!) and turned her
car around in order to join us. She gave a short speech describing a bit about
her background and her interest in Toastmasters and ended
the inspiring words: "Here's to getting out of our comfort zone and
making the time and place". She intends to join Cromwell Community
Crystal reminded us that the next
meeting will be held on August 6th and cordially welcomed us to stay
for a social get-together after tonight's meeting.
***If anyone would like to send our friend,
fellow Toastmaster, and accomplished Sergeant at Arms, Charlie
Hubert a get well card, I know he would so greatly appreciate it. Tom
advised it best to send our cards to Charlie's home address, rather than his
email address, for the time being. According to
Tom, Charlie will likely be away from Toastmasters for a few
months. I will send out Charlie's address to members as soon as I
receive it from Tom. We sure miss him!
Next meeting: August 6,
Respectfully submitted
Linda Campbell, Secretary ( filling in for
Bo Bogart)