Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Speech Contest

Hello Fellow Toastmasters!

What an evening we had last night.  It was our Spring Contest meeting and it was spectacular.  Charlie served as sergeant at arms and had the whole room ready for us.  Sheetal was our Contest Master.  She was a natural and kept the meeting running smoothly.  Bill Sullivan was our Chief Judge and was all business. 

We started with the International Contest.  Amy spoke of a ship of dreams.  Sharon spoke about Rosa Parks.  Heather beseeched us with the problems of cell phones.   

 It was then on to the Tabletopics Contest.  The question involved finding a multi colored rock that crashes to earth and bestows special powers on the person holding it.   The SIX contestants all had a go at it:  Tom, Rob, Phil, Donald, Bo and Hollie.  It was a challenge.

The judges tallied up the results and we had a drum roll!

Sharon took first place in the International Contest.

Tom took first place in the Table Topics.  Bo came in second place. 

A VERY SPECIAL THANKS has to go out to Crystal for all the behind the scene organization she did.  Her dedication to this club shows through with all the hard work and effort she puts in.

It was a great evening!

Now three announcements:
1.     Next meeting April 2nd.
2.     Dues are Due!  Bring your checkbook to the meeting if you did not pay yet.
3.     Area 34 contest right here in Cromwell- Covenant Village-April 10th.  Cheer you champions on!
-Rob, current President

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2012

What an excellent meeting led by our Toastmaster Sharon tonight! 
We started off with our word of the day…Galvanized.  Quite a few members used it.
Don gave a great invocation “never regret a day of your life…”
Bo led the Table Topics with the “three wishes” theme.  She had three out of four visitors participate…way to go BO!

Evan…3 activities he would do
Brian…Ideal job…furniture maker
Charlie…going to Hawaii with all of us
Cheryl…Going to the movies
Crystal …role model
Carolyn…. What to do with a bad day

We had four strong speakers.

Crystal…What makes me a leader!
Bill…Talked about his brother.
Heather…presentation about conflict resolution.
Hollie…speech about hemp.

Heather served as General Evaluator.

Charlie, Tom, Rob and Crystal gave feedback to the speakers.

Asha (yea!) served as AH counter…I won once again with 15!!!!

Carolyn served as grammarian and had something encouraging to say about everyone who spoke.

Don once again served as timer and gave a perfect report.

Heather spoke on behave of the club in giving Charlie thanks for all he does as Sergeant at Arms.  He was especially helpful, along with Tom, at setting up for Mondays joint meeting with Glastonbury.

Next meeting…March 19th.  CONTEST!!!  Please reach out to Crystal and get involved.  This is a total club effort.

Thanks to all for a Fantastic Club.

Rob (CCT President)