Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 19th, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53 ~ Area C-34
Members: Tom Alvord, Cheryl Mason, Heather Turner, Crystal Storo, Philip Mason, Bill Sullivan, Rob Dalo, Mano Rudravajala, Linda Campbell, Mary Talbot, Charlie Hubert, Sharon Roth, Danny Strong, Jay Polke, Elizabeth Landeen, and Don Ostertag.
Guests: Amy Ansah
Business Meeting:
Tom Alvord, our current Club President, thanked the club for a successful year and thanked each of the current Officers for their support. Tom announced that at the previous meeting we had our official election and voted in the new Officers as follow:
President: Rob Dalo
Vice President of Education: Crystal Storo
Vice President of Membership: Mano Rudravajala
Vice President of Public Relations: Heather Turner
Secretary: Linda Campbell
Treasurer: Brian Fleming
Sargeant of Arms: Charlie Hubert
Tom informed the group that we would be holding a mini-ceremony at the end of the meeting this evening. Tom also announced that member, Akshay Dhote, will be moving on to California and would be leaving the club after tonight. In an attempt to help him achieve his goal of completing his CC aaward, Akshay would give 2 speeches this evening, one during the meeting, and one after the meeting. Tom encouraged members to stick around to hear his final speech immediately following the adjournment of the meeting.
Cheryl Mason, our current Club Vice President of Education, congratulated everyone of achieving the President's Distinguished recognition this year. Cheryl displayed the DCP poster and went over the 9 of 10 goals we reached over the year. Cheryl also thanked the club for a successful year and passed on the new DCP poster to the newly elected, Vice President of Education Crystal Storo.
Meeting Roles:
Toastmaster: Heather Turner
Invocation: Charlie Hubert
Word Master: Elizabeth Landeen
                        Word of the day: Fantast - Noun - Meaning: A visionary or dreamer
Table Topics Master: Crystal Storo
                                     Theme: Off-The-Cuff Occasions
                                     Amy Ansah - Highschool Reunion
                                     Jay Polke - Neighbor's 50th Anniversary
                                     Charlie Hubert - Best Friend's Wedding
                                     Danny Strong - Newbie at the Office
                                     Rob Dalo - Congratulating your Daughters
                                     Bill Sullivan - Scary Campfire story
                                     Don Ostertag - Gas station robbing, News Van
Speaker # 1: Mary Talbot
                      CC Project # 6, Vocal Variety
                      Title: Charles Russell, The Artist I grew up on
Speaker # 2: Akshay Dhote
                      CC Project # 9, Persuade with Power
                      Title: Save the Tiger
Speaker # 3: Linda Campbell
                      CC Project # 2, Organize your speech
                      Title: The Homestead Act
General Evaluator: Crystal Storo
Evaluator # 1: Sharon Roth
Evaluator # 2: Cheryl Mason
Evaluator # 3: Elizabeth Landeen
Grammarian: Bill Sullivan
Ah Counter: Phil Mason
Timer: Elizabeth Landeen
Tom Alvord recognized and presented Akshay Dhote with a Certificate of Appreciate for his participation in Cromwell Community Toastmaster. Tom reminded everyone to feel free to stay at the end of the meeting to hear Akshay's final speech.
Tom and Cheryl Mason also recognized each current Officer for their contributions over the past year. Each Officer was presented with an award and a handy Toastmasters International tote bag.
Cheryl also recognized Tom and presented him with a unique Toastmasters plaque congratulating and thanking him for a successful year serving as Club President.
Tom gave a brief story of reminiscence of how he first met Cheryl and his time getting to know her. He also recognized Cheryl and presented her with a special gift and framed award thanking her for amazing leadership, guidance and support to this club and serving as Vice President of Education.
Tom and Cheryl also called up and presented each of the newest members of the club with a TI pin. They also called up and presented a pin to all members who had not gotten one in the past.
Akshay Dhote gave his last speech, Project # 10 Inspire Your Audience. His speech title was The Only Constant. Rob Dalo evaluated his speech and we all congratulated him and wished him much success in the future. Akshay promises he will keep in touch with us and potentially look to join a new club in California.
Prepared by: Crystal Storo, Club Secretary 6/24/12

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Meeting Minutes for June 5, 2012

Cromwell Community Toastmasters: Club 5908 Meeting Minutes for June 5, 2012
The Cromwell Community Toastmasters met on Tuesday, June 5, at the Cromwell Town Hall. In attendance were fifteen members and four guests.

Members present: Tom Alvord, Louis Nizet, Sharon Roth, William Sullivan, Heather Turner, Crystal Storo, Akshay Dhote, Robert Dalo, Elizabeth Ostertag, Phil Mason, Mano Rudravajhala, Charlie Hubert, Jay Polke, Angie Ondrick, Linda Campbell

Guests present: We were honored to have four guests in attendance tonight:
Donald Ostertag ( Elizabeth's Dad) hails from New Britain and presently conducts a monthly meeting as commandant of the Marine Corps League.
Sissy Simpson, from Meriden, is an OSHA trainer who is looking to perfect her speaking style. She learned about us via an ad in the Hartford Courant.
Amy Ansah, while now living in New Britain, is originally from Great Britain, and has been a guest several times.
Cassie hails from Middletown and joined us for the first time tonight. Her goal is to feel more comfortable sharing information and speaking publicly before large and small groups.
Sergeant at Arms: Phil Mason
Business Meeting: Tom Avord ACB ALB
Toastmaster: Sharon Roth ACB CL
Word of the Day: Linda Campbell - 'imbroglio' meaning: a difficult or intricate situation, an entanglement,
an embarrassing misunderstanding, an intricately woven plot/set of
Invocation: Elizabeth Ostertag - 'The Law of Detachment' by Deepak Chopra
(handout was provided)

Table Topics Master: Heather Turner ACB
Table Topic 1: What would you do if you knew it was impossible to fail. Jay Polk said he would like to feel confident by having advance knowledge only available to him in his business dealings.He also mentioned it would be great to know the Daily Number ahead of time!
Table Topic 2: What store would you want to be stuck in when the zombie apocalypse hit? Rob Dalo
chose Home Depot!
Table Topic 3: If you could live the life of a favorite book or movie hero, who would it be and why? Phil
Mason chose Steve McQueen!
Table Topic 4: If you could live forever, would you or wouldn't you and why or why not? Mano
Rudravajhala said he would not, stating that life is a cycle in which you live, leave your
mark and go back. He mentioned a character given such a choice from a favorite book.
Table Topic 5: If you could be stuck in a store for one hundred years without food being a problem,
which store would you want to be stuck in? Donald Ostertag chose Carvel or Dairy
Queen as he would enjoy having a hot fudge sundae everyday.

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1: Sharon Roth ACB CL
Speech: The Coach
Title: The Challenge to Coach
Time: 10-14 minutes
Sharon Roth gave us some excellent insight on how to coach anyone. She divided her speech into three parts; a discussion on how to coach (provided us with a handout delineating five tips on evaluation), a role playing segment with the assistance of Phil Mason in which she further discussed the value of the 'sandwich approach' to evaluation of a speech (something positive/one thing a person could do better/something positive), and a segment asking the audience for feedback.
Speaker #2: William Sullivan ACB ALB
Speech: Conquering the 'Cold Call'
Title: Selling the Invisible
Time: 10-14 minutes
Bill Sullivan has been in the healthcare field for twenty-one years and has recently been asked to get into sales. His speech explained how to sell the invisible ( a service, especially one that is expensive). Bill listed the qualities of a successful salesperson and provided us with the following excellent and insightful quote: "Philosophy drives attitude, attitude drives action, actions drive results, results drive lifestyle'. A cold call scenario was role played with the assistance of Crystal Storo. Bill also recommended the book entitledLittle Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer.
Speaker #3: Marlyn Jess (via Skype) DTM
Title: How to Conduct a Phone Interview
Marlyn Jess shared three tips that make phone interviews successful: manage technical aspects (minimize background noise, silence extraneous devices, use a headset, use a mirror and smile), manage yourself (be as relaxed as possible, be well hydrated, go into your personal 'green room'), manage your resources (prepare for the question, have your resume handy, have stories of personal success ready). She advised the importance of pausing for benefit of both speaker and listener during a phone interview. Further, she explained the value of a cell statement ( listen to what the person needs most, that's the problem you want to solve) and reminded us not to forget the after-work ( call, write a letter, or visit).

General Evaluator: Crystal Storo guided us through the evaluation portion of the meeting.
Evaluator 1: Tom Alvord ACB, ALB evaluated Sharon Roth's speech.
Evaluator 2: Charlie Hubert evaluated William Sullivan's speech.
The Ah Counter (Angie Ondrick), Grammarian (Rob Dalo), and Timer (Akshay Dhote) reviewed their reports for the meeting.

President Tom Alvord presided over the election of club officers for the new year which begins July 1. Installation will be held on June 19, 2012 and officer training on June 23.