Meeting started at 5:30 p.m. and concluded at 7:10 p.m.
Members: Tom Alvord, Cheryl Mason, Philip Mason, Crystal Storo, Charlie Hubert, Louis Nizet, Mary Talbot, Heather Turner, Charnaie Gordon, Joe Lenart and Mano Rudravajhala
Guests: Laura Dinan, Area 34 Governor
Guests: Laura Dinan, Area 34 Governor
Business Meeting
Tom Alvord, our Club President, called up Club Secretary, Crystal Storo to read the club mission. Tom informed the club of 3 officers completing training, 2 going on Saturday and 1 still pending. Tom announced our District 53, Area 34 Governor, Laura Dinan as a guest to our Club meeting.
Laura conducted the installment of our new Club Officers: Philip Mason - Sergeant at Arms, Standing in for Brian Fleming, Charlie Hubert – Treasurer, Crystal Storo – Secretary, Heather Turner – Vice President of Public Relations, Louis Nizet – Vice President of Membership, Cheryl Mason – Vice President of Education, and Tom Alvord – President
Cheryl Mason congratulated the club of achieving the President’s Distinguised Club award. She also informed the club of the upcoming Fall Contest – Table Topics and Humorous set to take place on Tuesday, September 20th, 2011. Cheryl encouraged members to sign up early for speeches and roles. The following roles are available:
Contest Roles:
Table Topics Contestants (no limit) – speak for 1-2 minutes, after receiving a topic
Humorous Speech Contestants (no limit) – present an original 5-7 minute speech
Contest Chair (1) – Organizes the contest, supplies, prepares the agenda, helps fill roles, briefs contestants & SAA on rules
Contest Master (1) – Toastmaster for the Contest, follows a prepared agenda / script
Chief Judge (1) – Ensures published rules are followed, briefs judges, counters, timers on duties, selects tiebreaking judge
Contest Judges (5) – Using pre-printed judging ballot, scores and ranks contestants, follows judges code of ethics
Timers – (2) Primary timer signals contestants, both timers document speech time using pre-printed time record sheet
Ballot Counters – (3) Collect sealed ballots from each judge, outside of contest room, record speakers points on tally sheets
SAA – (1) Helps with room setup, calls meeting to order, guides contestants in and out of the room as necessary
Table Topics Master (1) – Provide the same general topic to each contestant. Should lead to an opinion or conclusion
Meeting Roles
Toastmaster: Cheryl Mason
Word Master: Heather Turner
BEMUSED – filled with bewilderment
Table Topics Master: Mary Talbot, Theme: Bag of Goodies
Philip Mason – Magic Lizard
Laura Dinan – Wooden Fish
Crystal Storo – Metal Spring
Joe Lenart – Arabian Doll
Speaker 1: Mano Rudravajhala, CC Speech # 1 Ice Breaker
From the Other Side of the Ocean
Speaker 2: Mary Talbot, CC Speech # 4 How to Say It
The Tides of Providence, A must See Art Exhibit
Speaker 3: Charlie Hubert, CC Speech # 3 Get To the Point
Speaker 4: Heather Turner, CC Speech # 10 Inspire Your Audience
Mentoring, Why Mentor?
General Evaluator: Charnaie Gordon
Evaluator 1: Cheryl Mason
Evaluator 2: Crystal Storo
Evaluator 3: Phil Mason
Evaluator 4: Tom Alvord
Timer: Joe Lenart/Tom Alvord
Ah Counter: Mano Rudravajhala
Grammarian: Louis Nizet
Mano, brand new member, gave his first speech and did a wonderful job!
Heather gave her 10th speech, to complete her CC manual
Tom was presented with a Triple Crown Certificate for completing three educational awards in the last Toastmasters year
Tom was presented with a Triple Crown Certificate for completing three educational awards in the last Toastmasters year
Prepared by Crystal Storo, Club Secretary 7/19/2011