Friday, January 21, 2011

January 20, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Middlesex & Cromwell Speech-a-Thon

See many great pictures from this event here:    Speech-a-Thon Pictures

The 2nd annual Joint Speech-a-Thon with Middlesex County Toastmasters & Cromwell Community Toastmasters was held on Thursday, January 20, 2011, at the Cromwell Public Library, in the Arch Room.  The event was well attended with members from both clubs joining in the fun as well as a number of guests.  Refreshments were provided for everyone to enjoy. 

The meeting featured seven great speeches, including a “secret” speaker not known until that evening!  Ute Brinkmann from Eagle Club in Wallingford was a guest speaker.  Thorough, constructive speech evaluations were given to all the speakers, and one evaluation consisted of “round robin” comments from everyone in the audience, including guests!


Louis Nizet, Cromwell Club President, opened the meeting and welcomed all!  Guests were introduced individually and welcomed. 

Meeting Roles

Toastmaster:                Bill Sullivan, Cromwell
Timer:                          Brian Conte, Cromwell
Ah Counter:                  Phil Mason, Cromwell

Speaker 1:                    Jackie Kirwan, Middlesex
Speaker 2:                    Murugan Pachaiyappan, Cromwell & Middlesex
Speaker 3:                    Charlie Hubert, Cromwell
Speaker 4:                    Charnaie Gordon, Middlesex & Cromwell
Speaker 5:                    Ute Brinkmann, Eagle
Speaker 6:                    Jay Broderick, Middlesex
Speaker 7:                    Tom Alvord, Cromwell & Middlesex

General Evaluator:       Kay Jeyapalan, Middlesex

Evaluator 1:                  Bill Sullivan, Cromwell
Evaluator 2:                  Rob Schaff, Middlesex
Evaluator 3:                  Cheryl Mason, Cromwell & Middlesex
Evaluator 4:                  Michael O’Brien, Middlesex
Evaluator 5:                  Louis Nizet, Cromwell
Evaluator 6:                  Kay Jeyapalan, Middlesex
Evaluator 7:                  All, Round Robin Feedback


Charnaie Gordon, Middlesex Club President asked each of the guests for feedback and comments regarding the meeting.  The feedback from guests was very positive and comments such as “stimulating,” “fun,” and “I’ll be back” were heard.  Charnaie then closed the meeting.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. sharp! 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4, 2011 Meeting Minutes

The first meeting of the year was well attended and very educational!  The meeting featured three great speeches,  table topics that were loads of fun and included surprise props, and thorough, constructive speech evaluations!

Members Present:  Tom Alvord. Phil Mason, Cheryl Mason, William Sullivan, Charlie Hubert, Heather Turner, Ethel Peltz, Joe Lenart, John Lecornec, Akshay Dhote, Udaya Neelam

Guests Present:  Charnaie Gordon
Charnaie completed the application process and became our newest member tonight!  Welcome! 

Udaya Neelam, Area C5 Governor, conducted an official club visit. 

Meeting Roles

Toastmaster:                Cheryl Mason
Invocation:                   Charnaie Gordon
Word Master:                Ethel Peltz
Timer:                          Charlie Hubert
Grammarian:                Charnaie Gordon
Ah Counter:                  Akshay Dhote
Table Topics Master:    Heather Turner
Speaker 1:                    Phil Mason
Speaker 2:                    Tom Alvord
Speaker 3:                    Bill Sullivan
General Evaluator:       Joe Lenart
Evaluator 1:                  Heather Turner
Evaluator 2:                  Charnaie Gordon
Evaluator 3:                  Udaya Neelam

Business Portion
Vice President of Membership (VPM) Bill Sullivan welcomed all and kicked off the meeting.
Upcoming events: 

Thu 1/20/2011 7-9:00 p.m. Speech-a-Thon with Cromwell & Middlesex Clubs, Cromwell Town Hall
Mon 1/24/2011 7-9:00 p.m. Division C TLE Mid-Year Officers Training, All Welcome, Cromwell Town Hall

Sat 1/29/2011 12 noon – 6 p.m. District 53 Jan Jam 2011 – This is a free event open to all! 
The Hartford, Tower 22nd floor, 690 Asylum Ave., Hartford, CT  06105
Must pre-register, RSVP to:

Ethel presented the Word of the Day, “compensate

Table Topics

Table Topics was led by Heather Turner.  Participants:  Tom, Ethel, Akshay, John, Joe, Udaya
Props were provided for some to use in their speeches, while others responded to “what-if” scenarios such as inheriting a large sum of money, and explaining driving infractions! 

Education Portion

Speaker #1                   Phil Mason
Speech Number:           2
Speech Length:             5 – 7 minutes
Manual:                         Competent Communicator
Objective:                     Organize Your Speech
Title:                             My Passion – Or Is It An Obsession? 

Phil described his love for motor sports and racing, which started early in his childhood. 

Speaker #2                   Tom Alvord
Speech Length:             10-15 Minutes
Objective:                     Successful Club Series
Title:                             Going Beyond Our Club

Modules in the Successful Club Series are Toastmasters International provided materials that address the quality of club meetings and offer tips on attracting and maintaining members.  Fulfills ACS & ALB requirement.

Tom described the many ways for personal enrichment and growth by attending events and participating in activities outside the club environment.  The opportunity is to get to know and interact with a broad variety of people while practicing communication and leadership in these other environments. 

Easy opportunities:  visit another club, participate in an area contest, attend the upcoming Jan Jam, join a Toastmasters hike.       

Speaker #3                   Bill Sullivan
Speech Length:             10-15 minutes
Objective:                     Successful Club Series
Title:                             Setting the Stage for Success:  Meeting Roles & Responsibilities

Modules in the Successful Club Series are Toastmasters International provided materials that address the quality of club meetings and offer tips on attracting and maintaining members.  Fulfills ACS & ALB requirement.

Bill described the various meeting roles and how important they are to successful meetings.  He also described additional meeting roles (e.g. Humorist) which we may want to consider adding to our structure.  He included descriptions of the club officer duties as well and how their contributions help to strengthen the club. 

Evaluation Portion

Joe led the Evaluation portion of the meeting as General Evaluator. 

Speech Evaluators provided feedback to each of the speakers: 

Evaluator 1:                  Heather Turner
Evaluator 2:                  Charnaie Gordon
Evaluator 3:                  Udaya Neelam

Each of the technicians provided their reports: 

Word Master:                Ethel Peltz
Timer:                          Charlie Hubert
Grammarian:                Charnaie Gordon
Ah Counter:                  Akshay Dhote


Toastmaster Cheryl closed the meeting.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.