Cromwell Community Toastmasters #5908
Minutes: 6 June 2017
Attending: Philip, Watt, Uryson, Alvord, Patel, Ehlers, McGirr, Storo, King, P. Mason.
Quorum: 18 paid members, 10 attending, quorum achieved.
Sergeant At Arms Phil Mason opened the club at 5:30pm, and gave control to the evening’s
Toastmaster, Stephen McGirr. Toastmaster McGirr immediately called up Tom Alvord to give the
invocation, and Crystal Storo to give the word of the day.
The Invocation was based on a quotation from
The word of the day was Hubris, a noun meaning “excessive pride or self-confidence.”
Business Meeting: nominations for officers for the 2017-18 Toastmasters year
Sheetal Patel called up the nominating committee’s slate, as follows:
Sheetal Patel, Immediate Past President
Winston Philip, President
Stephen McGirr, Vice President of Education
Emily Ehlers, Vice President of Membership
Laura King, Vice President of Public Relations
Andrew Watt ACS ALB, Secretary/Treasurer
Astrid Uryson, Sergeant at Arms
After a call for other nominations (there were none), the slate of officers was elected.
The installation of officers shall occur on 20 June. Outgoing District Director Rich Derksen will
perform the installation.
Crystal Storo, a past club president, announced that our 20 June meeting will be her last active
meeting with Cromwell Community Toastmasters; she and her family are moving to Florida.
Please come out and wish her success during her last meeting attendance.
The Toastmaster year concludes on 30 June 2017. Please report any projects to Danielle
Payne as outgoing Vice President of Education before that date; or to Stephen McGirr after that
Education Program:
Sheetal Patel passed the gavel to Stephen McGirr, making his first appearance as Toastmaster.
Winston Philip led Table Topics at the invitation of Toastmaster McGirr. Winston demonstrated a
student asleep in his classroom, and invited us to engage with the student in a variety of ways
that provided various strategies or tactics for dealing with such challenges. Speakers included
Phil Mason, Crystal Storo, Laura King, and others.