Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53
Tues, September 1, 2015
Attendees: Don Ostertag, Gaia McDermott, Danielle Payne, Hollie Rose, Charlie
Hubert, Rob Dalo, Donald Ostertag, Phil Mason, Peter Davis, Andrew Watt, Tom
August Wolf, Marci, John
Call to order - Charlie read
Toastmaster’s mission statement.
Meeting - President Hollie Rose
Welcome August Wolf Area 44 Director
Contest is next meeting – table topics and humorous
Dues are due this month- please pay by the next meeting- $84 for the year, 42$
for 6 mos.
We received the President’s Distinguished Ribbon for last year – Hollie presented
it to last year’s President, Phil Mason.
Toastmaster Peter Davis
Invocation Tom Alvord-
The Rabbit and the garden- Mark
Word of the Day - Devise-
See report below
Table Topics Hollie Rose
- [Tom] 1:55 What is the first music you remember
having an impact on you?: I don’t remember the exact music but we had
a lot of music growing up in the 1940’s.. we made our own music…the jingle
from the donut shops sticks out
- [Rob] 1:19 What is your favorite movie? I do not have a favorite but I recently
watched and liked the Godfather for the values… the guy wanted to protect
his family
- [John] (guest)
1:49 What food are you grateful
for? My favorite food is what I
like to cook…oatmeal cookies -no raisins!... I like to give them to people
to enjoy
- [Danielle] 1:25 What person has made an impact in your life? My brother has
been an inspiration to me. We have been able to support each other.
- [August]
(guest) 1:51 What is your life in 2 minutes? I will answer why I am grateful for
Toastmasters…Toastmasters has been a springboard.. I have been involved in
voice overs, theater and radio work
- [Marci] (guest)
0:47 Tell us the most enjoyable
part of your last week: Going
with my significant other to get a pedicure and a nice meal…getting a
pumpkin pie Blizzard at Dairy Queen
- [Andrew]
2:15 Tell me about a
stranger who made an impact on you: I don’t meet many strangers as a teacher…
we were on a trip and a woman was injured and couldn’t participate… at the
end I was also injured and was able to stay with the injured woman... she
ended up being a Buddhist monk and she said you don’t have to teach
something to everyone you know
Speaker # 1: Andrew Watt : 10:57
Manual/Project: Speaking to Inform, #4
Color, Opacity and Hue in Graphic Design
Today was the first day of school.
The eight graders have to design a yearbook. One can use CARP – contrast,
alignment repetition and proximity. Using the three primary colors plus white
and black you can make most of the colors you can find. It looks like computers can generate
thousands of colors. Computers don’t know color so someone had to make a
program for that. Computers use black, red, blue and green instead of the three
primary colors. Each color has a number associated with it. This can create 125
colors and then uses different pixels to show thousands of colors. Unlike the
computer, the printer gives something that does not look like something on the
screen. The printer uses different technology. Printers use cyan, yellow and
magenta. When these colors are combined they form the primary colors. Printers
work by subtracting away the colors you shouldn’t see. You can create a
beautiful image on the computer and see crap when you print it.
Speaker # 2: Gaia McDermott 4:38
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator #1 Icebreaker
Title: What’s In a Name?
My name is Gaia Barbara McDermott but my birth name is Barbara McDermott.
Everyone has very Irish names except for me. Barbara means foreign and strange.
I devised the name Gaia legally. I had paralyzing depression after having my
son. Depression is like winter with no hope and I was able to come out of
chaos. Chaos retreated and Gaia came through.
Evaluator # 1: Donald Ostertag 1:46
You did a good job holding and showing the computer.
All of your visuals were good. Your voice was nice and even. I found the
numbers of each color very interesting. You had good hand movement. You did
your homework and did a nice job.
Evaluator # 2: Andrew Watt 3:53
You did a great
job. The first speech is always hard. You had a good visual aid. You had almost
no notes. You were able to think on the spot and use the word of the day - devise. There as a beginning, middle and end.
You talked about your divorce like it was like spring. I liked chaos retreated
and Gaia came out.
Officials’ Reports:
WordMaster: Andrew Watt Devise,
to plan or invent (a complex procedure,
system, or mechanism) by careful thought
Tom 6, Charli 3, Hollie 3, Rob 3, Phil 1, John 3, Danielle
1, Marci 1
Timer: Charlie
Hubert times
given, see above
Grammarian: Rob
Charlie - gentle warning to wrap it up.
Tom - wee wee referring to old radio static.
John - there will be no raisins
August- Toastmasters was a spring board.
Marci- pumpkin ice cream on a hot day turning to fall
Andrew- used the word catch with a picture of a fish.
Gaia - branches crackling, Chaos retreated Gaia came through
Ah Counter: Donald Ostertag
Andrew 0, Gaia 4, john 4, Danielle 4, Marci 3,
Peter a few
Evaluator: Phil Mason
you had to come up with out the projector and you did a great job. It is great
to have guests and the Area 44 Director. The signs were great.
closing: The word of the day winner got
the paper. Gaia thank you for doing your icebreaker. Don’t forget the contest
on the 15th. Dues are due!
August: Giving the person who used the word the most the WoD paper is a good
idea. Maybe they should get to be WoD person next meeting.
The Area
contest will be in Manchester on October 15th.
Next meeting: September
15, 2014 – We will have a contest. Don will be the chair for our contest. We
have a table topics and a humorous contest. We will have 4 people for each
Table topics: Rob, Bill, Peter and Danielle
Charlie, Phil, Gaia, and Andrew
Hollie is the chief judge.
Don’t worry about going on the
next level.
submitted by
Danielle Payne, Secretary
[Posted by Hollie Rose]