Thursday, February 6, 2014

Meeting Minutes February 4th, 2014

Cromwell Community Toastmasters
Club 5908 ~ District 53
February 4, 2014

“Go Big or Go Home”

Attendees:    members attended: Tom Alvord ACB, ALB, Bo Bogart, Micheal Brillas, Robert Dalo, Miroslav Grajewski, Charlie Hubert, Carmen Jenkins, Donald Ostertag, Crystal Storo CC, CL, William Sullivan ACB, ALB, Brian Terry and Heather Turner ACS, CL
Guests:  Guaro Caromital

Business Meeting:
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 by Sergeant at Arms - Charlie Hubert. President Crystal Storo CC, CL mentioned that having meetings start and end on time is a club goal.  The Cromwell Community Toastmasters Club’s educational goal is to have at least two more CC awards, at least one AC award and a leadership award by June 30th, 2014.  All present shared their educational goals:  Bill - ACS (completed 2/4/14); Rob – CC; Carmen – CC; Brian – CL; Crystal ALB; Bo – CC; Charlie – CC; Heather - ALB and 2nd CC.  Later in February there will be a Toastmaster Leadership Education meeting led by Nathan, the area governor.  More details will be coming.  Crystal asked us to start thinking of what role we wanted for the Spring Contest.  Rob told us of an interesting quiz that can be found by googling - NY Times Dialect Quiz.                             

Meeting Roles:
Toastmaster: Heather Turner ACS, CL
Invocation: Carmen Jenkins – A quote from John Quincy Adams which said if you inspire people you are a leader.
Word Master:  Charlie Hubert
Word - of - the – Day: Bliss - great happiness 
Table Topics Master:  Donald Ostertag
Don had us choose a card, and he then read the question.  Rob told us the Seahawks blew their competition away because of their constant practice.  Bo wouldn’t be bothered by other people using cell phones in a movie theater because she’d be sleeping. When snowed in, Miroslav plans to celebrate Valentines Day early by; making frittatas with his sweetie, watching German movies and cooking a rack of lamb.  Carmen told us if her two aunts received each other’s flower arrangements she could tell the truth, tell them there had been a mix up, switch the flowers and tell them she loves them.  Mike thought he’d probably run away if he ran into an ex girlfriend in the store.  Charlie told about the first time he drove alone.  He drove as fast as he could on the highway; he was petrified and excited at the same time, and filled with bliss.

 Speaker # 1:  William Sullivan ACB, ALB
Manual/Project: Leadership Excellence Series
Theme:  Keeping the Commitment

 Speaker # 2:   Carmen Jenkins
Manual/Project: Competent Communicator/Project 2   Organize Your Speech
Title:  My Job

 Speaker # 3:  Heather Turner, ACS, CL
Manual/Project:  Competent Communicator/Project 8   Getting Comfortable w/ Visual Aids
Title:  What’s a Prepper?

The three speeches were evaluated by Round Robbin

General Evaluator: Tom Alvord ACB, ALB – Tom shared that he felt structure, efficiency and focus are important to a good meeting.

Distinguished Technicians:
Ah Counter:  Brian Terry 
Grammarian:  Rob Dalo
Timer:  Crystal Storo, CC, CL 

In closing, Crystal asked our guest Guaro his thoughts about the meeting.  He said he liked the meeting and liked the humor, but at the same time he was thinking “how would I do this, how would I do that?”

Give some thought to what role you’d like for the Spring Contest and now is the perfect time to sign up for roles for our next meeting.

Next meeting: February 18, 2014.

Respectfully submitted by
Bo Bogart, Secretary

[posted by Hollie Rose, CC]