We are totally delighted that Fourteen guests attended our Open House last Tuesday ... nearly out-numbering our
eighteen members who attended this exciting evening of entertainment and
This made for an extraordinary meeting which began early
with members welcoming guests and everyone greeting each other, networking and
enjoying refreshments.
Phil Mason our Sergeant at Arms called us together right on
Louis Nizet stepped up as Toastmaster and
Bill Sullivan shared inspiration from Dale Carnegie on how
to Win Friends and Influence People.
Mary Talbot followed with the Word of the Day: Scintillating
which means brilliant and stimulating.
RamManohar Rudravajhala then led us through his carefully
chosen, insightful and entertaining Table Topics.
We are delighted that several guests participated along with
We then were treated to three excellently Prepared speeches:
Heather Turner regaled us with a very funny speech about her
pet Rock and pet Rocks in general - a real education!
Charlie Huber practiced what he was preaching by turning
those “ah”s, “um”s "you know"s,
etc. into golden silence!
and ...
Our guest speaker Michael Aron used humor to inspire us to
consider that G.P.S. can mean Goals, Plans and Success!
Thank you Michael for your special appearance at our club!
Our General Evaluator Cheryl Mason introduced our speech
evaluators: Elizabeth Landeen and Bill Sullivan;
and our technicians:
Ah counter: Crystal Storo
Grammarian: Mary
Word Master: Mary who noted that seven people had used
and …
Timer Phil Mason
As Toastmaster Louis Nizet skillfully guided us smoothly
through the entire evening!!
We even had a raffle with member and Division C Governor
Sharon Roth organizing tickets and facilitating the drawing for 10 wonderful
and useful gifts! Thank you Sharon and Heather for providing those great items!
We had plenty of delicious refreshments organized by Crystal
Storo including provisions from several others including Rob Dalo who was
unable to attend!
(Rob sent two guests to the meeting!)
Thank you Phil for arranging the use of the Arch Room at
least two months in advance and to our VP of PR Heather Turner who generated
tons of great publicity!
Finally - Congratulations to our VP of Education Cheryl
Mason for masterfully guiding and inspiring all of us to put this hugely
successful evening together!
Let’s all encourage the guests who attended to join our
club! Louis Nizet is leading the follow up with these guests and we are hoping
to have several new members soon.
Congratulations to all of you!
Personally inviting guests seemed a key motivation for them
to attend.
This attests to the service we all provide when we extend
the Toastmasters opportunity to those we care about!
Tom Alvord