Monday, February 20, 2012

Helpful How to be a better Evalulator links

Evaluator: Evaluate to motivate!

Keep Your Evaluations on Target

The 3Rs of Evaluating:  Review, Reward, and Respond

What? A Standing Ovation for an Evaluation? Thoughts on giving an exceptional evaluation.

Assessing Your Evaluations: Maximize the help, and minimize the hurt.

Viewpoint: The Gift of Evaluation: A message from our International President

Effective Evaluation

Challenging the Advanced Speaker

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cromwell Community Toastmasters Upcoming Events

1.      Open house
·      February 21st - 5:30 – 7:30
·      At the Town Hall in The Arch Room on first floor near the library.
·       Please bring at least one guest whether they’ve expressed interest in Toastmasters or not.

2.      Toastmasters Leadership Exchange (especially for officers, open to all)
·      February 23rd  -  6-8PM
·      65 Wooster St., Shelton, CT

3.      Regular meeting
·      March 6th  - 5:30 – 7:30
·      At the Town Hall Room Rm 222 – (same room as tonight 2/7)
·      Please sign up early for a role. 
·       If you are a speaker please email your introduction to the Toastmaster by Friday March 2nd.

4.      Tall Tails and International Club Contests
·      March 20th 2012  - 5:30 – 7:30
·      Here at the Town Hall (room TBA)
Consider giving a speech in the contest.  A Contest is just another opportunity to practice communication and leadership skills. Those judged to have given the best speeches are eligible to compete at the Area Contest. 
There are four clubs in our Area 34. Winners of the Area Contest may then advance to the Division C Contest and Division Contest winners may advance to the District Contest 53 and the Winner of the District *International Contest is eligible to Compete at the International Contest.  
Our Division C has about 27 clubs.  Our Division C Governor is our very own Sharon Roth.  Our District 53 has approximately 140 clubs in CT, Western MA and part of Upstate NY. 
The *International Speech contest is called such because it is the only Toastmasters speech contest in which the winner has the opportunity to advance to the International Contest for the World Champion of Public Speaking. The speeches are 5-7 minutes in length and can be any topic the speaker desires. There are over 200,000 Toastmasters world wide in approximately 13,000 clubs.   
The Tall Tales Contest speeches are 3-5 minutes.  The Tall Tale is an original story of a highly exaggerated, improbable nature with a theme or plot.
5.      Mentoring:  Return forms

6.      Hike with Toastmasters at Sleeping Giant
·       April 14  1:00 – 3:00

7.       Special Guest  Marilyn Jess via Skype:  “How to interview over the phone.”
·       April 17  Regular meeting 5:30 – 7:30

8.       District 53 Spring Conference 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.  Hartford Plaza Hotel 100 East River Drive East Hartford, CT
A wonderful day of...
·       Education
·       Inspiration
·       The Best Speeches in District 53 (140+ clubs)
·       Networking
·       Fun

Cromwell Toastmasters Open House